<<---- My sunny boy soaking up the afternoon rays

Yet another lovely Spring day and I am so happy to be spending it in the city relaxing and soaking up one last book-crammed weekend before the semester will yet again come to an end. 

We had an awesome evening with Bon & Susan and Russ enjoyed playing with his girlfriend Lily. See the pic of them relaxing on the chaise lounge in the sunshine this morning. It's been a fairly quiet day for us, filled with a nice 3 hour nap, yorkie cuddles, pizza pizza for supper and a little baking. I feel the sunshine has been much needed, once you get into February for a while it just becomes a fog. The sunshine is certainly helping pry my butt out of bed and get doing things. 

Alas, the Lord Disick shirt has arrived, and even came with a neat little mini clothes pin on it which I found cute/funny. Hoping that tonight stretches out before I have to get back to the grind tomorrow. Planning on popping over to my favorite twin's place to deliver a little treat. 

Feeling good today, tired but good. I've tapered down to 10mg of Prednisone and hoping that I'll continue to stay relatively healthy for the next few weeks. It is exciting that soon we'll be able to start packing and getting ready to head back to the lovely little island. My Crohn's has been fairly stable with a few minor belly bloats, but mostly I am just loving feeling relatively normal and being able to just feel good. The moon face as I'd mentioned in my previous post has evolved but I'm hoping it won't take too long for it to start disappearing in the next few weeks.

Also, I saw this post and thought I would like to share. "Babies and puppies are small.  So are dimes and Skittles.  You’re a fucking woman. Language affects our thinking whether we like it or not. Every time we tell ourselves, “I’ve gotta get down to a size whatever,” or “I’ve got to get rid of this gut,” we discount who we are RIGHT NOW. And fuck that shit. Who we are right now is okay. Instead of encouraging ourselves and other women to get smaller, we ought to be focusing on what will make us betterBetter. Not smaller."
http://ladybud.com/fuck-diets/ I also think the notion of "Skinny Girl" martini's is absolutely ridiculous and feel that if you want a drink, have your damn drink and enjoy it. I do not however like the way the author approaches discussing about whether or not you genuinely do have a weight problem. Telling someone to get their ass in gear because they can't fit on an airplane seat is definitely not words of encouragement, but thus I defer, the point that I do enjoy is the fact that you should feel comfortable exactly the way you are, and enjoy who you are for what you are.

Here are some pictures from the weekend. Enjoy the sunshine xo

Russell & Lily in the sun room
Russell staying in bed on a Saturday after a big night with Lily... cuddled in Mommy's blanket
Chubby sun cheeks
Red velvet

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