Well it is day 19, and Sunday, which means another needle bites the dust. I swear at this point I have magic hands and am getting exceptionally good at playing nurse and giving myself and Bobby our injections, though his poor grimaced face may have thought otherwise!

It was a lazy Sunday and it took me a while to figure out what my little rant for the day may be, and once I saw that little quote I thought that had to be it; taking personal days.

Personal days for me means, I'm not getting out of my GTL jammies, I refuse to shower until night, (or bath most days in my case) eat healthy food or take on any serious responsibilities. Typically I'd prefer to sleep and/or shop, online if at all possible. I used to have a hard time taking 'me' days and felt frustrated when I needed them. Bobby would tell me to simply take the day off, do nothing and enjoy the day; but because I didn't want it to happen in the first place, I never enjoyed it... duh. 

So since my journey with Crohn's began, I have slowly started accepting me days, and at this point, I actually find myself endorsing them. You broke up with your boyfriend? You need a me day. You want to procrastinate that 27 page paper? Take a me day. You hate your life at the moment and just don't want to face the world? You should take a me day. I've pretty much come up with every possible excuse I could and simply dismissed the day as a dedication to how great I don't feel. And I think you should too. What was hardest for me to initially accepting the time I needed for rest, was the fact that the rest of the world didn't stop with me when I stayed in bed. And clearly taking me days doesn't pay the bills or take care of the furkid, so it was hard to accept that sometimes things didn't get accomplished, the dishes didn't get done, and I was simply going to be a slob for a good 24 hour period. 

It's hard to accept them, but we all have them. I think taking time and dedicating it to whatever you want to do is the best way to refresh yourself mentally and physically. Sometimes by 3pm you even surprise yourself, like today; after a 3 hour nap I managed to go on a Walmart pilgrimage with Jodi, which can only mean one thing on this fine April weekend... $46.64 later and one Hello Kitty discounted Easter chocolate later, but you know what? I felt great after it. I even managed to ride the cart insisting she push me as fast as she could, had a nice bath, gave the needles and straightened my hair. All in all, I call that a successful personal day.

I'm looking forward to finishing this school week strong, and probably taking several more me days in the next month until it is time to start packing up our little abode for our big move home. The weekend was once again a success, having plenty of time feeling normal healthy and strong. My only minor Crohn's incident was having a pretty worried moment thinking I was having some serious bleeding, but then remembered that I don't digest red food colouring well and I had managed to woof down two red velvet cupcakes for breakfast... woops. Thus I defer, I'm starting to feel like myself again and have found so much more comfort since all of you have started this journey with me. For the rest of the night, I intend to snuggle in with my boys, enjoy my big brother and get lots of sleep. 

Here are a few pics of the highlights of my day. Remember to take time for yourself, especially when you need it, and also maybe when you think you don't. Happy Sunday xo

Quality Easter clearance purchase. $3.63 at Walmart. You're welcome
Wearing this quality item all day in celebration of tonights finale (although I'll watch it tomorrow because BBCAN trumps it) and most likely all day tomorrow.

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