It happened, somewhere between the cheese, butter and eggs section and the milk section at Joe Howe on a Tax-Free Student Tuesday night. My wandering eye caught sight of it, and from that point forward there was nothing I could do; I'd fallen prey to the Easter clearance section again. It was 8pm afterall, and I hadn't managed to scrounge up any supper. The Hello Kitty chocolate was long gone from the paper writing earlier that day and I had no choice but to grimace at the difference between the small Lindt bunny for $2.94 or the large SpongeBob Squarepants for $4.44. 

I guess you know which size won.

The prednisone cravings are continuing, though I am getting better at eating healthy snacks when hungry, minus the recent chocolate obsession. My moon face is still present, little puffy cheeks that are a reminder each day that I am getting better, though my outlook on life lately seems to say that enough. I have been feeling so much better and I feel I owe that in part to all of you for being so supportive, encouraging and sending messages or even walking up to me at The Mount (or telling my friends to tell me!) that you read my blog every day. There is no better part of my day than this and I am so glad to have such great positive people in my life.

My thoughts have been so focused on school work lately that often it's taking me a bit to get back to any of you who have thanked/supported me or have shared your own personal story with me. I promise I am reading and loving it all but bear with me until I get all of this school jazz off the chopping block! It was such a sense of accomplishment to finish writing a 16 page paper today. Putting the final polishes on this piece, which personally for me really encompassed all of what I've learned during my time in Public Relations classes, was so so so refreshing. There were points of this semester where I wasn't even sure I would pass, let alone be done of such a big assignment over 24 hours in advance of the due date! It is a real personal success for me and I have to say that I'm hoping the mark reflects that pride.

Though through all the hecticness of school, there are a few things on my mind:
1) Why do the makers of Gatorade insist on putting not one but two sealants? Don't they get that this girl is a little 'out of shape,' a little weak and just needs some electrolytes? 

2) I read this article, shared by a lovely Facebook friend, and think we can all relate to what this frustrated but loving mom talks about. I also think it is a good lesson about how often we hurt the ones we love the most by our actions. 
"I'm sorry I cried when you ate my lunch. The lunch I bought for both of us to feed my feelings. Because my feelings needed chicken nuggets, but apparently so did you. And I'm sorry I put you in time out when you made your plate do a little dance on the table. I’m sorry I didn’t kiss you when I put you down for nap, choosing instead to run away and lay in the guest room bed and just dwell in some silence."

So to my dear little puppy Russell: I'm sorry I hid your blue ball because my anger really wanted to throw it out the window and you wouldn't stop nudging it's sloppy water soaked rubber on my feet. I'm sorry when you barked at the neighbours and I yelled at you and told you if you didn't stop I'd sell you on kijiji. I'm sorry that I put your home-made staircase from your Grampie Donnie into storage because I was sick of you whining at people passing by on our oh so busy and often down right scary neighbourhood. I hope you know that no matter what kind of terrible day I've had, I always come home happy to see you and your cute little wagging bum. I love you and your big brown eyes and your silky fur and when you lick me first thing in the morning. Some days are not always good, but you always make them a little better and I am the proudest furmama around.

3) Today I wear pink in light of the horrific tragedy that Rehtaeh Parsons faced. For any of you who have not heard her story, it is heartbreaking, but it deserves every bit of media attention to assure that these unjustified crimes stop occurring.

So while on the topic of bullying and apologizing; I'm sorry to anyone who I have bullied in the past and the effects it may have had on you in a single or numerous days. I would name a few but I do not want to provide further embarrassment nor do I want to forget anyone who I should and could include. I hope that you will forgive me for any of the mean or hurtful things I will say and take a situation like Rehtaeh Parsons situation to know that we are all human, we all make mistakes, but our ability to try and mend the situation speaks more about character than our past. 

Don't be afraid to apologize, sometimes it speaks more about you than your actions.

Hoping you are all doing well, healthy and happy and making good changes in your lives.

xoxo e

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