I have officially survived to the 5mg mark! My moon face is in full effect and I even had a sweet lady ask if I was pregnant. (okay a little dramatic) really she only asked that because Russ, Jode and I hit the LDS Little Doggie Social last night at The Chewed Slipper in Sackville, and our normally 'little social butterfly' stuck by his momma and substitute father (Jode because she's always around when Bobby works nights) the entire time. He met a friend named Laila though, a 5lb yorkie with a little pony tail. I almost took her home, but thought there may be some legal repercussions of that.

It was an awesome lazy day, lots of time to catch up on sleep and relax after a verrrry busy end of the school year. And we have big plans to celebrate our 2 year anniversary/finishing school/leaving the city tomorrow which entails a whole lot of delicious pasta at Da Maurizio followed by Legally Blonde at Neptune. So excited to have a wonderful night with the best boyfriend. It has been hard with us spending so much time away so I am really looking forward to getting my Bobby/Bruiser (I'm sure there will be a Chihuahua in the play!) fix. 

Had quiet plans for next week, but after hearing about my Nan and Pop both being ill in Miramichi, I thought they could definitely use some help around the house. My nan was admitted to the hospital with low blood and required 2 blood transfusions so thank you to all of you who are avid blood donators! Your blood saves us!! It has saved me before when I required 5 transfusions! For those of you who do not donate, it's never too late to start! Or if you can't it's great to support someone who can, often people can't donate due to lack of iron etc. and that's okay, I'm one of those people who unfortunately can't because my levels are always a lil wacko. My Poppa managed to catch that terrible flu and could hardly speak on the phone to me today, so I think they could really use someone to visit Nan, cook some meals for Pop and maybe a little yorkie to brighten their spirits. Pack up your satchel Russell, get the Ipod, we're going to the chi what, we're going to the chi what.
Sadly our main man won't be able to make it with us because of work but we'll be missing him.

It is hard to believe our time in the city is winding down and I'm looking forward to visiting home at the end of the month for our Godson/Nephew's baptism and to get a lil PEI loving (this includes a full on BBQ). I have been feeling so content and at peace lately, like things are finally coming together after such a crazy past four months... I have so much to look forward to and I'm hoping that my health prevails and keeps me in a good positive place. I've put on 3lbs since the Prednisone Episode, and often feel uncomfortable though understand my binging certainly doesn't help the case. I feel like every bite is worth it however because right now I am able to eat without planning every miniscule detail and can simply enjoy eating whatever I damn well please. There is plenty of time to take the weight off, so for now I'll keep eating, minus any more sneaky Easter Clearance purchases, which by the way is gone. Ahhh the hunger monster.

So, on the topic of all of the feeling better jazz as well as blood donations, I had mentioned the Rita Parsons story in my previous blog and think it is amazing that her parents chose to save five other lives by donating her organs. I encourage all of you to become organ donors, all it takes is a small sticker on your health card to have a large impact on another's life. In fact, you might just save someone else's. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/glen-canning/rehtaeh-parsons-was-my-daughter_b_3056888.html check out this beautiful story, written by her father.

Sweet dreams blog friends, hope you all have a lovely Saturday and will post a pic up from our big date night out.

Here is a pic of Bobby with his surprise present he got from the courteous Canada Post man who buzzed our door at 11:30am this morning (yes I was still in bed). He got this as a gift for just being great. Also, took a big step today to honour a dear friend in light of my depression dish out blog. I absolutely love my tattoo and will think fondly of him everyday I see it, given to fly.

Happy Weekend
xoxo e

Vintage present
Given to fly.

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